Friday, August 14, 2009

And so it starts......

Well, our hockey season is about to start. This year, #5 (as in kid #5) will be playing house league at the Bantam level (1995 birthyear). They have a draft skate to determine teams on 9/1/09 at 9:00 p.m. Please oh please let us get on a good team. And by that I don't mean talent. It's the parents and the kids and their behavior that can make or break a season. We didn't have a good time last year. Spring hockey was better (different rink, too) and we are hopeful for the season. All levels of hockey have their drama, but let's be nice, people. That's all I ask. Anyway.
# 5 will be a freshman in high school and is playing freshman football this year. We also have #2 starting college, #3 deciding where life is taking him, #4 will be a junior and is in the band (color guard). Whew. That is alot. I'm preparing for hockey season by getting some projects together. I tend to knit at the rink (nothing fancy, baby hats for charity, scarves or washcloths) or I stitch simple designs. I like to do the first "leg" of the stitch and then use my time at the rink to fill in. If you are new to hockey or don't have a player, there's alot of waiting. ALOT. I'm going to document our progress through this season and my progress through my stash. I hope to get alot done. ALOT.

Edited to add - #1 wants me to tell you that she is starting school online soon. Sorry #1 - out of sight, out of mind?? LOL! Just kidding - you're never out of my mind. I just don't need to do things for you anymore (well, not much, anyway)